
Tax Services

How can we help you

At Salinger Tax Consultants, we know dealing with the IRS can be frightening and frustrating. But you don’t have to go through it alone. We offer the following services to help you resolve your tax issues once and for all!



Tax Liens

If you’ve had a tax lien applied to your property or have received a Notice and Demand for Payment, Salinger Tax Consultants can help! Don’t wait for the IRS to file a Notice of Federal Tax Lien, call us today at 813-445-3815 to get started with a resolution you can accept.

Tax Levies

Tax levies are one of the most severe actions the IRS can take against you. The IRS can and may freeze your bank accounts, garnish your wages and more. If you have received a Notice and Demand for Payment or a Final Notice of Intent to Levy and a Notice of Your Right to a Hearing, you need to act fast. Having a professional represent you from Salinger Tax Consultants is the best way to find the best resolution to your tax problems.


Offer In Compromise

Salinger Tax Consultants are experts at using the Offer in Compromise process to help resolve tax issues. In fact, we can often negotiate a settlement to pay pennies on the dollar! Schedule a meeting with us today and let us determine your eligibility for an Offer in Compromise.

Unfiled Tax Returns

Tax payers are expected to file their taxes every year by April 15th (unless they get an extension). Failure to file and pay taxes can result in a penalty and can accrue up to 25% of the tax bill owed. If you find yourself in this situation you need Salinger Tax Consultants. They can help you develop a plan to get back on track.


In the event of a divorce and a decree from a judge that states the former spouse is responsible for tax debt, the IRS can still hold someone responsible for the tax debt incurred by their former partner. Luckily, the IRS has innocent spouse relief rules. To see if you qualify, set up an appointment with Salinger Tax Consultants so they can review your case.

Payroll Tax Liability

Employers who own a business are responsible for withholding payroll taxes from the paychecks of their employees. For various reasons, business owners can get behind in their payments to the IRS. Instead of ignoring the notices the IRS sends, call Salinger Tax Consultants. Peter Salinger can guide you through the process of paying back taxes and resolve your situation.


Installment Agreement

Taxpayers facing tax bills they cannot immediately handle but believe they can pay over an extended period of time may benefit from an Installment Agreement. In certain instances these plans may not have additional fees. Talk to the experts at Salinger Tax Consultants to negotiate terms for paying off tax debt.

Request for Penalty Abatement

As your IRS debt grows, interest and penalties can be added to the amount you owe. These penalties may be reduced however if you can demonstrate no neglect in trying to pay your taxes. Let the experts at Salinger Tax Consultants review your case and work with the IRS to see if those penalties can be reduced.

Currently Not Collectible

There are times when you can qualify for a hardship status with the IRS which means the IRS will close your case temporarily as uncollectable and will not take any action against you. Set up an appointment with Salinger Tax Consultants to discuss the development of an Offer in Compromise to settle your tax issues once and for all.


International Collection Issues

If you are a business owner who conducts business in foreign countries, you can be required to report profits earned in other nations. If you are having trouble navigating your tax responsibilities, set up an appointment with Salinger Tax Consultants. They can help you make sure you are following all applicable laws and keep you from having undue tax issues

Trust Fund Recovery Penalty

Trust fund taxes are the unpaid payroll taxes consisting of the federal income tax and 50% FICA withheld from wages. They are called trust fund taxes because these monies are to be held in trust for the government. Employers who fail to pay employment taxes or use the money for other business expenses can be held personally liable for these trust fund taxes. If you are facing a trust fund recovery penalty, set up an appointment with Salinger Tax Consultants so they can review your case and help you resolve this issue.

Wage Garnishment

Having your wages garnished can make it extremely difficult to pay your living expenses. If the IRS has placed a hold on a portion of your paycheck, let Salinger Tax Consultants work with the IRS to come up with a plan to help you resolve your tax issues, and put your paycheck back in your wallet.


Notice Of Seizure

A notice of seizure (form 2433) is a written letter from the IRS to inform a business or individual taxpayer that the government has seized its property for nonpayment of past due internal revenue taxes.  The tax professionals at Salinger Tax Consultants can help you look at your options and determine the best course of action.

With Salinger Tax Consultants on your side, you have an expert who understands the tax laws and how to navigate a complicated process. Don’t face the IRS alone. Salinger Tax Consultants has over 30 years experience and knows the IRS from the inside. As a former IRS employee with an extensive background in collection and appeals at the IRS, he knows how to handle the IRS efficiently and effectively, with the best possible outcome you can expect.

Need help with Your Tax Concerns? Contact the experts at Salinger Tax Consultants


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Phone: 813-445-3815
Email: info@salingertaxconsultants.com
7707 Merrill Road
Unit 8642
Jacksonville, Fl 32277